Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects I: Targets, Proper motions and first results.
A.H. Andrei1,2,3, R.L. Smart2, J.L. Penna1, V. A. d’Avila1,4, B. Bucciarelli2, J.I.B. Camargo1, M. T. Crosta2, M. Darpa2, B. Goldman5, H.R.A. Jones6, M.G. Lattanzi2, L. Nicastro7, D.N. da Silva Neto8 and R. Teixeira9 |
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PARSEC Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects I: Targets, Proper motions and first results.
A.H. Andrei, R.L.Smart, J.L. Penna, V.A. d’Avila, B. Bucciarelli, J.I.B. De Camargo, M.T. Crosta, M. Darpa, B. Goldman, H.R.A. Jones, M.G. Lattanzi, L. Nicastro, D.N. da Silva Neto and R. Teixeira |
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First Results from the PARSEC and IPERCOOL Programs - Parallaxes, Proper Motions, and Binarity of Brown Dwarfs
T.M. Estevão2, A.H. Andrei1,2,3, J.L. Penna1, R.L. Smart3, V.A. d'Avila2, B. Bucciarelli3, M.T. Crosta3, H.R.A. Jones4, M.G. Lattanzi3, R. Teixeira5, D.N. da Silva Neto6, J.I.B. Camargo1 |
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